Black Students Black Youth Empowerment finance Report

Report: 4th Annual Financial Literacy Event

On the evening of Tuesday, October 5th, ACMP held its 4th annual Financial literacy event. During university, Afro-Caribbean Black (ACB) and other racialized students often face more challenges when compared to their white counterparts. Such challenges can manifest as limited access to opportunities, including access to financial tools and resources. This event was focused on giving ACB and racialized students the opportunity to learn how to manage their money from professionals that work in the field of finance.

The event featured presentations discussing sound financial management from our guest speakers that included Salma Zaki, Harprit Gill, Franco Caminiti and more. Their presentations were informative and constructive, giving participants an opportunity to engage and ask questions about how they can manage their money more efficiently.

The event concluded after a brief question and answer period. Participants were able to interact directly with our invited financial specialists. In summary, the event was successful and had a positive impact on our community.

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