Louis March is the founder of the Zero Gun Violence Movement. He has been a volunteer community worker and advocate in the African Canadian community for over 30 years. His work has primarily focused on youth engagement and mentorship initiatives along with serving on various community organization Boards and Advisory Committees.

The Zero Gun Violence Movement has collaborated with over 40 different community organizations, agencies and programs across the City, committed to addressing structural and socio-economic conditions that contribute to the gun violence problem.

The ZGVM is an awareness and advocacy movement that works across the City to engage people and organizations that are truly committed to being a part of the solution to reducing gun violence and also building safe and healthy communities, not for some, but for all.

Contact details
Phone: 1.416.577.3908

Website: zerogunviolence-movement.com

Email: zerogunviolence.movement@gmail.com

Louis March will be a Co-Keynote Speaker at our 3rd Annual Black History Month Event, along with Dr. Michael Ngadi. Join us for the opportunity to hear more about his professional experiences, ask him questions and introduce yourself.

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